You hear tree care experts say it all the time: “We’ll provide you with a written, free estimate.” It’s front and center on their website, and it’s one of the first things they say in person or over the phone. That same line may also be included in whatever voicemail message they have to greet you when they miss your call. But why is this one statement so important?
The words “written, free estimates” have become so commonplace that we almost take them for granted. But as consumers, they are incredibly important and should be one of the first questions you ask a tree care expert — assuming they don’t say it first.
5 Reasons Why Written, Free Estimates Are Important in Tree Care
Price transparency — You know exactly how much tree services will cost before you let us perform the work.
Clarity — Written, free estimates are essential in tree care because they ensure clarity regarding the scope of the work, materials needed, potential hidden costs, and services provided. Everything you discussed is in writing.
Legal protection — To piggyback on the previous reason on this list, writing everything down eliminates potential disputes and miscommunication between us as the service provider and you as the client. Everyone is on the same page and feels protected.
The ability to shop around — No two tree service experts charge the same price. Therefore, it's a good idea to get two or three written estimates, especially for bigger jobs, to see which option best fits your needs and budget.
Peace of mind — When someone gives you a free estimate, they build trust with you.
Clean Edge Always Provides Written, Free Estimates
Clean Edge Tree Service & Removal in Lewisville prides itself on full transparency before, during, and after every tree job we accept. We also believe that an educated customer leads to the best possible experience for everyone involved. Written, free estimates ensure you know exactly what to expect from us, and we have a clear roadmap to follow to exceed your expectations.
Our experienced arborists and tree service professionals have the expertise and equipment to handle any tree service, including emergency removals for dangerous or fallen trees. We take care of everything, so you don’t have to worry.
Trust us to handle your tree removal needs with precision and care.
Call Clean Edge Tree Service & Removal Today!
Clean Edge Tree Service & Removal in Lewisville, TX, has served North Texas since 2016. More importantly, we have the equipment and experience to handle any tree needs safely and efficiently. Don’t believe us? Give us a call today!
There isn’t a tree in Lewisville that we can’t handle. Call Clean Edge Tree Service & Removal today!
